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Steve's Aviation Web Page, and Cessna 140 information

Parts for sale

Photo galleries:

  • Bob's cracked cylinder (and stuck valve)

  • University Airport 2005 open house

  • April 2004 trip to Trinity Center

  • October 2003 trip to Shelter Cove

  • Oceano camping trip September 2003

  • Marysville/Yuba City EAA fly-n, June 2003 trip in the 140

  • Castle AFB Museum, Feb. 2003

  • Marysville/Yuba City fly-in, Sep. 2002  large imagessmall images

  • Cessna 140 information:

  • I bought a Cessna 140 in April of 2003, pictures here

  • Aerial pictures of the 140

  • Lower doorpost crack repair (August 2004)

  • What's inside a Cleveland Brake?

  • How I checked my wheel alignment and found I had way too much toe-in

  • Rick Jorgensen's project: Chapter one - tearing it all apart | Chapter two - Rick's fuselage sling

  • Rick and Owen's 140 at the Clarksburg airport
  • General info:

  • Using Dye-Penetrant to test for cracks
  • Fix for an air compressor that doesn't re-start due to voltage drop
  • Tina Visco's Cessna 120 web site

  • Misc flying stuff:

    dad_truck_sm.jpeg (9153 bytes) Here's a picture of my dad in a Chevy truck magazine ad from the late 1960's while he worked for Medlock Dusters in Davis.  He was helping to load a crop duster in a field when some advertising men drove up in a brand new Chevy truck and asked him if he'd like to be in an ad.  I think they paid him a hundred bucks too, and supplied the hat.  Click here for larger image.
    steve_j3_1.jpg (18386 bytes) This is the Piper Cub that I took my single-engine commercial rating flight test in, around 1990.  It was the easiest check ride I'd ever had, the airplane was so simple.  It didn't have a flight manual, which confounded the examiner.  He had to take my word on a lot of things, like the V-speeds :-)
    Click for really big image

    One of our club's Cessna 152 training airplanes.  These rent for about $52 per hour and are fun to fly if you're not in a hurry to get anywhere.   The are the planes generally used for training.  We have four of these.  Click for larger image

    Click for really big image The Cessna 152's luxurious interior.   Click for larger image
    Click for really big image

    The Cessna 152 instrument panel is pretty simple.  Click for larger image

    172_exterior_sm.jpg (10640 bytes) One of the club's two Cessna 172's.  Click for larger image.
    172_panel_sm.jpg (4751 bytes) Cessna 172 instrument panel.  Click for larger image.
    steve_150.jpg (18083 bytes) Here's my first airplane, a 1968 Cessna 150, after landing in Palm Springs in a 20 knot direct crosswind.  I always wondered how much crosswind a 150 could handle.  Now I know :-)
    j3_sm.jpeg (29693 bytes) This is the Piper J3 I owned for a few years.  It was really fun but I ended up selling it when I bought a Mooney M10, seen in the hangar.  Looking back on it, I wish I had kept the J3.  I finally sold the Mooney it to a guy in Japan who loves it. Here is his website describing the whole adventureHere's his other page dedicated to the airplane, and flying in Japan.
    j3_engine.jpeg (30607 bytes) Here's the J3 engine after I rebuilt it with the help of an A&P-IA.   I was really proud of this thing, I was never more confident in any engine than this one after I overhauled it.  As you can see, there is no starter, no battery, just an engine.  It sure was cheap to maintain.  Click for larger image.
